Monday, October 26, 2009

Gatlinburg Adventures

Once again life as a Hickman is an adventure. (Names are hidden to keep embarrassment to a minimum)

1. Picnic Lunch - cooler set on top a bee hive near poison Sumac.
2. Papaw Hickman - face plant on the deck of the office for the chalet.
3. Hickman Family (minus Nana) Falling off the Mountain - okay not literally, but most members got freaked out while Papaw Hickman was turning the van around in the driveway. So much so that Nana Hickman jumped out of the car and Daddy Hickman screamed like a woman. All which caused Hickman Boy to react.
4. Hickman Boy Chair Plant - Boy Hickman was rocking his chair at the Hard Rock Cafe, fell to the side and crashed on the floor.
5. Hickman Boy's Death Scream - Driving up the mountain Boy Hickman's scream: "We're gonna DIE!"
6. Mommy Hickman's Question - "Who ate all my food? We know it wasn't me?!?" After eating a whole meal - something that has not been done in the recent past.

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