Tuesday, August 18, 2009

5 days ago

We found out on Thursday last week that we are having a little girl. We could not be more excited. It is finally sinking in that we are really doing this. We are really having a baby. We are really going to be mommy and daddy. Isn't life great!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

One Week

One week from today. In less than 168 hours we will know.

We will know if the baby is truly our little Kaitlyn or if we have been calling our little boy Kaitlyn for 3 months! (We didn't know we were pregnant for the first two.) If that is the case hopefully we have not done permanent damage to our little Kevin.

Pray that our little one will be an exhibitionist between 1pm and 3pm on August 13th. We just need to know - I have shopping to do! :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

This is where I earn it.

Many people tend to think that I earn my money only doing my 45 minute shows. They forget about this part....

The shopping for the shows.

The saving items for months!

The getting prepared for the shows.

And the dangers of permanent markers!

I love my job!